A New Look and Delivery Method for the GNG Newsletter

The Good Neighbor Gazette Newsletter has been one of our downloadable marketing tools for years now.  It’s a simple two-page monthly newsletter with interesting information about home, family, real estate, food and a little technology thrown in for spice.  It takes just a minute  to customize it with your name & branding and it’s a great little tool for staying in touch with prospects, past clients, and your general sphere of influence with something of value.  Real Estate is a relationship business and every point of contact like the GNG Newsletter can make a difference in generating leads and referrals!

Now there are a few improvements that we have made to the GNG and we hope you find them to your liking.

The first is that earlier this year we gave it a fresh new look using verdant colors that evoke a warm sense of home-ownership.  The front page banner graphic has a crisp looking image of fresh cut grass and a white picket fence with a new casual script logo above.

Secondly, we are now delivering the Newsletter as a bundled package of files.  This bundle includes Word, PDF, and Publisher formats so that all types of users can customize it before printing or emailing it.

Thirdly, we have updated our delivery method for the newsletter using our Ticor Storefront eCommerce solution.  In a nutshell, anyone can now download the GNG up to three months in advance!  No more waiting for the latest edition to be posted to the website.  If you want to work ahead with your email newsletters or mailers, they’re ready for you!

And finally, we have added a large preview feature to our storefront so you can actually preview each article before you purchase! To view the large preview, just click on the thumbnail image of the newsletter.  We think you’ll be pleased with the generous size of the preview!

So with a fresh new look and convenient delivery method, it’s never been easier to use the GNG Newletter to stay in touch with your past clients, prospects, and sphere of influence!

Click here to check out the Good Neighbor Gazette now.