Facebook Friend Lists

Have you ever signed in to Facebook and wished that you could filter or sort the newsfeed based on friend type (i.e. family members, coworkers, school friends, customers, etc)?  The Facebook Lists feature provides users with an easy way to create segments for various types of friends and create security settings based on those lists.

Once you’ve created a list, you can filter your newsfeed to display only the posts from people in that particular list.  And vice versa, the lists feature also allows you to post content that is seen only by people in particular lists.

This is a huge time saver if you’re goal is to organize your friends and connect with different groups of Facebook friends at different times.

Facebook on the job…
It goes without saying that throughout the business day  there may be times when it’s more appropriate to connect with certain groups of friends and not others. For example, during the course of the day at Ticor, I may want to pay less attention to Aunt Tilly (who just discovered Farmville) and instead be more intentional about listening to Real Estate professionals and what’s important to them (No offense to Aunt Tilly!).  The Facebook lists feature makes this a cinch.

In a nutshell, the Facebook lists feature:

  • Helps organize friends into groups
  • Helps reduce potential distractions during the work day
  • Provides a means for sharing content privately with certain groups
  • Saves time!

To find out how to create Facebook lists, click here.

By the way this is one of the many things we cover step-by-step in our Facebook Setup and Strategies for Real Estate Clock Hour Class.

Check out our clock hour classes here!

Matt Sweet